Contact Us!

If you have any questions we can be reached at or using the contact form below and we will respond within 24 hours.

Please note: we will not be answering any emails or messages about store hours or stock. Store hours can be found below, on Google, & on our instagram page. Please check the website for our most up to date stock.

Store Hours

Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday & Wednesday: 9a-4p

Thursday & Friday: 10a-8p

Saturday: 9a-4p

Sunday: 10a-3p

  • Author Interest

    Calling all authors! Are you seeking a platform to showcase your literary creations? Whether you're a seasoned writer or a debut novelist, we're dedicated to supporting local talent. Join us in sharing your stories with our community of book lovers. Submit your details below to inquire about featuring your works in our store.

    Apply Now! 
  • Pre-Loved Books

    Are you a book lover looking to give your pre-loved treasures a new home? we welcome you to share your literary romance gems with fellow enthusiasts. Clean out your shelves and let your books find new adventures with eager readers. Fill out the form below to get started on your book-selling journey!

    Apply Now! 
  • Bookish Merch

    Attention all creative minds! Do you craft unique bookish merchandise that readers will adore? From bookmarks to literary-themed candles, we celebrate the artistry of book-inspired creations. If you're passionate about your craft and eager to share it with fellow bookworms, we invite you to partner with us.

    Apply Now! 

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